
Welcome to the garden!

“The Botanical Garden in Munich-Nymphenburg is not only a well-kept, world-famous green space that invites visitors to stroll and enjoy nature, but it is also a place of preservation, education, training and research.”

Duke Franz of Bavaria on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden

Microworlds–teaching path research

Forschung , Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

The teaching path “microworlds” provides insights into the diverse interactions of plants and mi [...]

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Station 8 | Dwarf birch

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Alpinum: Why does dwarf birch connect with ectomycorrhizal fungi? [...]

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Station 7 | Yellow mountain-avens

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Alpinum: What exchange takes place between yellow mountain-avens and nodule bacteria? [...]

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Station 6 | Root nodules of different plant families

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Ecological-genetic section: Which nodule bacteria are living in the raised bed? [...]

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Station 5 | Milpa-Bed

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Ecological-genetic section: What "three sisters" grow in a milpa bed? [...]

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Station 4 | Soybean

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Nutzpflanzengarten: Wie versorgt sich die Sojabohne mit Stickstoff? [...]

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Station 3 | Chili pepper

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Crop section: Why are chillies hot? [...]

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Station 2 | Tomato

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Crop section: What do tomatoes exchange with arbuscular mycorrhiza? [...]

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Start | Microworlds – teaching path research

Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

Crop section: What is the Microworlds teaching path about? [...]

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