Paths and stairs
Wheelchair users have access to all major parts of the garden. Steps and inclines are marked in the garden plan, as well as suitable paths. The path next to the stream in the fern gorge is too narrow for wheelchairs. Only the lower path of the Alpinum is accessible.
The café in the open air can be reached most quickly via the east side. After the greenhouses, please take the left path (see arrows/signs) towards the Alpinum.
The lowered ornamental courtyard (“Schmuckhof”) can be reached via the paved path (with railings on both sides). This begins to the left of the wide main staircase on the south side of the Jewelry Courtyard (see wheelchair symbol in garden plan).
Sanitary facilities
- In the entrance building (ticket office at the main entrance, Menzinger Str. 65) there are sanitary facilities (WCs) in the basement. The door of the elevator opens automatically to the outside after pressing a button.
- Near the café is another disabled toilet with plenty of space.
- Another disabled toilet is located in the restroom facility at the end of the greenhouses (Hall C).
Elevators in/at the Botanical Institute
The outside elevator (opposite the cash desk at the visitor entrance) and the stair lift on the ground floor of the Botanical Institute can be switched on with a Euro key. For the outside elevator, the up and down button must be pressed continuously for it to move. The door must be closed.
There is a talking elevator in the institute with Braille on the buttons.
Tram and bus
Tram 17, bus 143 and 180 lines are suitable for wheelchair users. The ramp for the tram is located at the very front by the first door. Please inform the driver where you would like to get off.
Parking places
There are three parking spaces for persons with disabilities at Menzinger Straße 67, in front of the Botanical Institute. The entrance to the Botanical Garden, Menzinger Straße 65, is about 60 m away towards the city.