Welcome to the garden!
“The Botanical Garden in Munich-Nymphenburg is not only a well-kept, world-famous green space that invites visitors to stroll and enjoy nature, but it is also a place of preservation, education, training and research.”
Duke Franz of Bavaria on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden
Station 5 | Milpa-Bed
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Station 4 | Soybean
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Station 3 | Chili pepper
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Station 2 | Tomato
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Start | Microworlds – teaching path research
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Station 1 | Cabbage
Lehrpfad Mikrowelten
Tree Finder
Outdoor area and South Entrance are reopened
No access to the outdoor area