10 tips for more biodiversity in the garden or in company (Hybrid-event)

Sunday, 23. April 2023 - Sunday, 23. April 2023

Presentation by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Haszprunar (Zoological State Collection Munich) in the “Großer Hörsaal”

Biodiversity – the number of species and the variety of (small) habitats – determines the resistance of large and small ecosystems to stress of all kinds. In view of the dramatic loss of animal and plant species on our planet, many people are asking themselves whether anything can be done about it. Yes, you can. After 28 years of service as director of the Zoological State Collection, Prof. Dr. Haszprunar presents 10 tips for “Jane & Joe Bloggs ” on how to promote biodiversity on the balcony, in the garden or on any greenland with very manageable effort. First of all, this makes it fun to thrive and brings color and variety into our lives. But beyond that, it also makes our immediate environment far more interesting and, especially in times of climate change, far more resilient and robust. “No one can do everything, but nobody can do nothing” – be inspired and act accordingly!

Start: 11 a.m. in the lecture hall of the Botanical Institute (accessible via the iris garden).

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Meeting ID: 931 8542 4499
Passwort: Botany

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Website: www.zsm.snsb.de

Credits: © Jana V.M.


The event will be held as part of the Flower Power Festival 2023.


Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg
Big lecture hall on the first floor of the Botanical Institute
Menzinger Street 65
D-80638 Munich
Phone: 089 17861-321
Fax: 089 17861-324
E-Mail: botgart@snsb.de
Webseite: www.botmuc.snsb.de