
Microworlds–teaching path research

3. May 2024 | Forschung | Lehrpfad Mikrowelten

The teaching path “microworlds” provides insights into the diverse interactions of plants and microorganisms.

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Alga of the year 2022

1. February 2022 | Forschung | News

Stylodinium Stylodinium caught the scientists’ attention because it behaves differently from its relatives in the Dinophyta group: Stylodinium lives in some of our native bogs and attaches itself to other algae, although it can actually swim by itself. Prof. Dr. Marc Gottschling from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and Dr. Urban Tillmann from […]

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Alpine plants

19. January 2022 | Forschung

Am Botanischen Garten München-Nymphenburg ist die Sammlung alpiner Pflanzen in ihrem Umfang und in ihrer Qualität einzigartig.

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Orchid research

19. January 2022 | Forschung

For more than 20 years, intensive research has been conducted on flower scents at the Munich Botanical Garden. In nature, they play an important role in the communication between flowers and their pollinators. With the help of flower scents, pollinators find the flowers they are looking for. In this context, visual orientation usually has only […]

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Impact of climate change in the Alps

11. January 2022 | Forschung

Temperatures in the Alps have risen by almost two degrees Celsius over the past 120 years – almost twice the global average. The climatic changes have a significant impact on the very sensitive ecosystem of the Alpine region: climatic changes lead to temporal shifts in plant life rhythms, such as leaf unfolding, flowering, fruit ripening […]

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