
Welcome to the garden!

“The Botanical Garden in Munich-Nymphenburg is not only a well-kept, world-famous green space that invites visitors to stroll and enjoy nature, but it is also a place of preservation, education, training and research.”

Duke Franz of Bavaria on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden

Ecological-genetic department


The ecological-genetic department deals with life forms, plant communities, pollination biology, see [...]

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Directly opposite the entrance to the greenhouses is the ornamental courtyard framed by dry stone wa [...]

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Irrigation and piping system


Basic supply of irrigation water The supply of our greenhouses by our heating system is – just [...]

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Heating technology


Visitors usually notice little of the heating technology. The distribution and ring pipes, pumps, va [...]

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Large Cactus House


The tour of the display houses begins in the Large Cactus House (Hall A). Gneiss and sand recreate a [...]

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Temperature House


In the last, north-facing side house (Kalthaus/Temperature house, house 11), you can enjoy flowering [...]

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Tree fern house


Stepping into the tree fern house (house 10) is like stepping into a magical forest. Originating fro [...]

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Cycad House


In House 9 of Cycads, you enter the part of the greenhouse complex that has been least altered in it [...]

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Bromeliad and Araceae House


Bromeliad and Araceae House (House 8): The northeasternmost of the six side houses leading away from [...]

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