Lively exhibition on the diversity of native species of mushrooms
September 6, 2022
Mushrooms – special exhibition in the winter hall from September 16 to 18, 2022 Organized by the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden in cooperation with the Verein für Pilzkunde München e.V.
The mushroom exhibition has been a special highlight of the Botanical Garden’s late summer program for many years and is a must for all mushroom enthusiasts.
Shortly before the opening of the special exhibition, the members of the Verein für Pilzkunde München swarm out to collect fresh exhibits. Ziel wird es auch dieses Jahr wieder sein, einen möglichst umfangreichen Einblick in die Diversität der Pilze zu bieten. Several hundred species will be gathered for this purpose and presented for a weekend in the winter hall of the Botanical Garden.
Press contact for questions
Dr. Thibaud Messerschmid
Phone: 089 17861-370
Karin Nowadnick
Phone: 089 17861-321