Association of Botanical Gardens
The Verband Botanischer Gärten e.V. (VBG) is the umbrella organization of botanical gardens in Germany and represents the interests of its institutional and personal members both nationally and internationally.
The Association of Botanic Gardens and its members are committed to the conservation of biodiversity, guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the National Strategy for Biological Diversity. Organized in the association are about 97 institutions and over 370 personal members. Das Herzstück des Verbandes sind die zahlreichen aktiven Arbeitsgruppen.
Read more about the working groups on the Association of Botanic Gardens homepage.
Tasks and goals
One of the most important tasks of the association is to coordinate the exchange of experience between the gardens and their employees. Thus, a wide variety of working groups have been formed. In part, these groups are even older than the association and can be seen as its germ cells, from whose union it arose. Thus gardener:inside (also of individual subranges and specialized divisions), paedagogues, technical leader:inside or Kustoden meet.
Again and again, however, meetings take place whose thematic orientation unites participants from the various status groups. Biological plant protection or the topic of education does not only concern gardeners in botanic gardens. All those who participate in the educational work of the gardens benefit from the concepts developed by the educational staff.