Wunderkammer – Mushrooms, Overgrowths & Exotics | Exhibition from 9 September
September 2, 2022
Objects by Iris Schabert
Exhibition in the Green Room from 9 to 29 September 2022
+++ The event has been extended to September 29. +++
In the Green Room of the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden, Iris Schabert presents her art objects inspired by nature in the “Wunderkammer”. Es geht ihr nicht um eine Abbildung oder Nachahmung von Naturfundstücken und deren wissenschaftliche Einordnung. Rather, phenomena such as microscopic textures, overgrowth, accumulations, contrasts, growth forms are taken up and attempts are made to approach them artistically.
In the Renaissance and Baroque periods, rulers, princes, and scholars set up chambers of art and curiosities: collection rooms in which precious works of art (Artificialia), rare naturalia (Naturalia), scientific instruments (Scientifica), objects from foreign worlds (Exotica), and wondrous things (Mirabilia) were kept.
Curiosity and wonder were a major motivation. Man reiste, sammelte und fand an allem Seltsamen Gefallen, was aus fremden Ländern stammte. Die historischen Wunderkammern sollten die Betrachter in Erstaunen versetzen, ihnen die Wunder der Schöpfung vergegenwärtigen. In her “Wunderkammer” IRIS SCHABERT tries to bring details into focus in a comparable way, thereby enabling a more intensive perception.
About the artist
Iris Schabert works as a sculptor and goldsmith in Munich. Her objects have been shown in numerous exhibitions in Germany, Spain and Mexico. Metals and porcelain are her preferred working materials.
Press contact for questions
Dr. Andreas Gröger
Phone: 089 17861-320
E-Mail: groeger@snsb.de
Karin Nowadnick
Phone: 089 17861-321
E-Mail: botgart@snsb.de
Image material

„Boviste 2“, © Iris Schabert
„Boviste 3“, © Iris Schabert