miro modo

Saturday, 11. May 2024 - Sunday, 6. October 2024

Installation by Evalie Wagner

The miro modo installation plays with perception, casting fleeting reflections of light on glass, water and botany.

Miro modo (latin) can be translated as “in a wonderful way”. An invitation to look differently at what has already been seen or what is to be discovered anew. Victoria houses have been built in many botanical gardens since the 19th century to attractively present the giant water lilies of the genus Victoria, named after the English queen, and other aquatic plants to the public. The flowers bloom for only two nights, turning from pure white, to pink on the second evening, producing warmth and a fruity fragrance. In this way, the giant water lily attracts beetles for pollination and, through its mysterious appearance, people equally. The installation miro modo plays with perception, casting ephemeral reflections of light on glass, water and botany. A conundrum between architecture and nature, suspended between static and change.

miro modo on YouTube

Webseite: www.evaliewagner.allyou.net
Instagram: www.instagram.com/evaliewagner

Credits: © Maximilian Haidacher


Unterstützt von der Gesellschaft der Freunde des Botanischen Gartens München e.V. und der Elfriede und Franz Jakob Stiftung.


Victoria House of the Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg
Menzinger Street 65
D-80638 Munich
Tel.: 089 17861-321
E-Mail: botgart@snsb.de
Website: www.botmuc.snsb.de